
Alex Szabo
History and Anthropology Major



When people think of the phrase “Study Abroad”, visions of Europe generally come to mind. Nepal, a small, impoverished South Asian nation, does not. Yet this is precisely why I wanted to study in Nepal; it was an experience truly unlike any other. From learning  the Nepali language, to riding elephants in the jungle, to conducting fieldwork in the Himalayas, there was never a dull moment during my four months in the country. My program, run through School for International Training (SIT), focused on Development and Social Change, allowing me to learn about Nepal’s shifting cultures through hands-on experiences. Such experiences included living with a host family, talking to local and international organizations, and field explorations. At times there was virtually no difference between the classroom and the real world, as one of my classes consisted of an Independent Study Project where I selected my own topic – Community Radio in the Himalayas – and spent four weeks in the rural Himalayas researching it. Through this project and my other classes, I learned an incredible amount about Nepal and about research, and ended up completing my Asian Studies minor and moving closer to completing my Anthropology major.




Far from only being academic, my Nepal experience allowed me to push myself physically and mentally, and to see some of the most beautiful sights in the world. Whether it be seeing the sunrise over the Himalayas, or simply sharing milk tea with my host family, these are experiences that one does not easily forget, and these are the reasons we study abroad. Choosing to go to Nepal, and to study abroad was one of the best decisions of my life, and has reminded me that the world has so much to offer to each and every one of us.

