Class of 2025

Hello, my name is Ava McCormick, and I am a senior at UMBC majoring in Global Studies with two minors in World Politics and Spanish. UMBC has provided me with a variety of opportunities, particularly in civic engagement. Through the Shriver Center, I had the chance to volunteer for two months at Baltimore’s Esperanza Center as a student teacher in their adult ESOL program. Last year, I completed my capstone project which focused on the relationship between civic engagement and legal status. Throughout my academic career, I have been dedicated to global citizenship, emphasizing cultural relativism, transnationality, and our shared humanity. Now in my senior year, I am a project developer for an on-campus organization that channels global struggles into local change-making efforts. This Fall, I am so excited to be working as an intern at the International Rescue Committee this Fall doing Refugee Walk In Services.

Hi there, my name is Amanda Evans and I am a senior Humanities scholar. I’m in my final year and I cannot believe it. I am an Asian Studies and MLLI Korean double major who is also trying to complete the BA/MA program for Intercultural Communication. In my junior fall semester, I completed my study abroad in Seoul, South Korea at Ewha Womans University. There, I met people from all over the world and experienced the culture I had grown to love prior to even traveling there. Studying abroad was a difficult and yet still rewarding experience that I still highly recommend and I can’t wait to return back to South Korea at some point in the future. In my free time, I enjoy reading (something I have been trying to get back into), immersing myself in Korean culture in whatever way I can, adding to my various collections, spending time with my friends, and going to concerts. The Humanities Scholars Program has introduced me to some of my best friends who I will be sharing an apartment with this upcoming fall semester and I cannot wait to have so many fun experiences with everyone during this final year as a Humanities scholar.

Hi everyone!! My name is Jessica Gonzales Portillo and I am in my fourth year as a Humanities Scholar. I am a double major in Psychology & Global Studies. With my Global studies major, I focus on Cultural studies since I love learning about art, literature, and history. With Psychology, I am fascinated by human behavior and the mind. I love helping others whether they need advice or just to be listened to. A little bit about me, I am El Salvadorian. I’m a hopeless romantic who loves to read and write. Also, I enjoy watching crime shows, historical shows (Bridgerton), medical dramas (Grey’s Anatomy), K-drama, and anime! Besides binge-watching shows/movies, I love to hang out with friends and shop for cute things! This is my last year as a humanities scholar, and I have loved the past four years. The Humanities program is where I met my best friends. If I could…I would do it all over again. It’s just that great!!

My name is Evan Blakely and I am majoring in English and minoring in Ancient Studies. During my time here, I have honed my writing skills and explored new mediums for storytelling such as videos and slideshows. Through my past summer internships at Deloitte, I have gained invaluable experience and a clearer vision for my post-graduation goals. As a Humanities Scholar, I have developed flexibility and time management skills while learning about diverse cultures and storytelling techniques. In my free time, I enjoy playing video games and I’ve remained close with old friends by convincing them to hop on Xbox with me. On Fridays, I enjoy joining the Esports Club’s Super Smash Bros. tournaments where I can chill out and improve among other players. This year, I am determined to succeed both at home and abroad by staying focused on my goals and learning when to ask for help.

Hi there, I’m Rose Crame! I’m a double major in Media and Communications and Political Science on the pre law track. At UMBC I’m heavily involved within the Filipino American Student Association, also known as FASA, as well as the Media and Communication Studies Council of Majors being graphic designer and public relations for both respectively. Beyond academics, I have an extensive amount of hours on The Sims 4, and a mini home library in the making! I love macarons, chocolate chip cookies, anything pink, and long video essays on Youtube. I’m excited for this upcoming sophomore year and I can’t wait to see what it has in store.

Hello, I’m Ruby Millen. I am a senior from Ellicott City, Maryland, majoring in Anthropology. I spent my summer working at Browseabout Books in Rehoboth and this semester I look forward to working at the Ivy, an independent bookstore in Baltimore. I have gained so many valuable experiences at UMBC from facilitating Spectrum, a discussion group for Trans, nonbinary, and gender nonconforming people, to studying abroad in Prague, to completing my capstone project centering on community in local political organizations. Throughout the years my love of anthropology has deepened. I have gained critical thinking skills, perspective on the world, and cultural knowledge through my major. I do political work during my free time and enjoy listening to music, swimming, and reading.

Hello! I’m Patrick Correal-Winters, an English/German double major. I’m originally from Florida, but moved to Ellicott City when I entered 7th grade. I’m a proud Colombian-American, with my dad having moved here from Bogota. The best part of the Humanities Scholars’ Program is the resources and community it provides to find other like minded students interested in literature, history, culture and all other things to do with the arts! Outside of academic stuff, I’m a big fan of fantasy and sci fi, and a massive nerd for anything horror, cinema or literature. I love MMA and wrestling, and am looking to rejoin the UMBC jujitsu club this coming semester. When it comes to my hobbies I love writing, playing bass, listening to punk and metal music, playing tabletop games (huge DND and Magic addict) and working out. Work-wise, I am a substitute teacher in Montgomery County and look to become an English teacher following my graduation.

Hi I’m Megan Gould and I’m from Howard County, MD. I am a senior double majoring in History and Ancient Studies, with a minor in Public History. For my study abroad I did a Scandinavian Studies program at the University of Oulu in northern Finland. In my free time I enjoy reading (particularly fantasy, sci-fi, and historic retellings), and I am also a big fan of comics and anime. My hobbies also include working out and cross stitching. I am so thankful for the Hum Scholars program, the community built by the cohorts and associated LLC created an amazing foundation I have been able to branch off of over the years. It has introduced me to amazing people, allowing me to meet some of my best friends and roommates, and helping me to grow as both a student and a person.

Hello! My name is Evan Royston! I am from Newark, Delaware and I’m a senior humanities scholar with a double major in History and Political Science as well as a minor in public history. Last fall I studied abroad in Växjö, Sweden at Linnaeus University where, when not attending hockey games, I was able to explore various elements of Swedish history, culture, politics, and so much more that helped me grow both myself and my view of the world. My international exploration did not stop after leaving Sweden as I interned this summer with Global Treks and Adventures collecting information in Iceland to produce content on Icelandic history and culture.
Outside of my academic interests, my biggest hobby is sports. Soccer is my favorite sport and I can almost always be found going to see a game in person or watching one on tv. Finding me watching other sports including football, baseball, hockey, and pretty much anything else you can think of is also a common occurrence. I also love the water, I grew up sailing and swimming which remain two of my favorite hobbies.
At UMBC I am very involved in various clubs and organizations. I currently serve as the vice president of both the Model United Nations club and the Maryland Student Legislature club, as well as the Secretary of State for the statewide Maryland Student Legislature. I also work as a Grit Guide in UMBC’s Undergraduate Admissions and Orientation office.
As a humanities scholar I have had so many wonderful opportunities and made incredible friendships. I will be forever grateful to the program for all it has given me and how much it has helped learn about myself and the world around me.