Class of 2026


Hello! My name is Kendal Howell, and I’m from Prince George’s County, Maryland! I am super excited to be a sophomore at UMBC! I am double majoring in Africana Studies and Sociology. As a young business owner, I would like to further continue entrepreneurship and use the knowledge gained from these majors to continue serving my community. In high school, I played volleyball for all the in-person years and was a National French Honor Society member. In my free time, I love to do my hair, read about self-care, and hang out with friends. I also love to travel and am beyond excited to participate in the study abroad opportunities with the Humanities Scholars Program. Throughout my life, I’ve traveled to France, Switzerland, Italy, Montreal, and Quebec, and I hope to explore the world as much as possible. Experiencing different cultures and social climates have always been fascinating to me. I am fluent in French and would love to continue learning new languages.  I look forward to joining new clubs, especially the ASL club because I’ve always wanted to learn sign language. In the Humanities Scholars program, I am thrilled to meet more lovely people with similar interests and the research opportunities in the program.

Hey, this is Jean Kim! I’m currently a junior at UMBC, pursuing a Global Studies major, a Music minor, and a Certificate in Korean Studies. My favorite part of being a Humanities Scholar is that I’m constantly surrounded by inspiration: the people, the forums and talks, the places we travel to, and the connections we make through the program. I’m also really excited to study abroad in South Korea this upcoming spring semester! Outside of school, I work as a law clerk at a civil rights litigation firm specializing in tenants’ rights, an opportunity that has reaffirmed my goal of pursuing law to fight for those exploited by legislative injustices. Additionally, I intern at the Center for Social Science Scholarship, where I help produce the Retrieving the Social Sciences podcast, and I’m a research assistant for an upcoming book project in the American Studies department. If you ever want to chat, I also teach weekly yoga classes at the RAC and the Center for Well-being! I’m also a huge live music enthusiast, so in my free time, I play the violin and guitar and participate in several music ensembles on campus. I also love spending time in nature, exploring new foods and places, listening to my CD collection, and staying active – lately with rock climbing, tennis, and long walks. UMBC has been a great place for me, offering a space where I feel comfortable pursuing my wide range of interests and truly growing. Thanks for taking the time to read a little about me, and I can’t wait to see what this year brings!

Hi everyone! My name is Dhruti Sheth. I am a Junior in the Humanities Scholars program at UMBC. I am double majoring in Psychology B.S. and MLLI One Language Track Spanish B.A. on the Pre-law track. I plan to study abroad in Spain during the Spring 2025 semester. Over the summer of 2024, I worked at the Law Offices of Spence Brierley as a law clerk. I will be a Research Assistant for Dr. Sandra Barrueco’s Bienester Wellbeing Lab on campus in Fall 2024 working with immigrants and those in need of mental health resources. I was also a Resident Assistant on the Intercultural Living Exchange Floor of Harbor Hall during the 2023-2024 school year and a Teaching Assistant for a First Year Experience Course working with the UMBC A-Team. Additionally, I am part of the UMBC Mirza Bhangra Dance Team, where I get the opportunity to perform at various events and competitions across the East Coast. In the winter of 2023, I attended the UMBC STRiVE Retreat as a participant held by the Center of Democracy and Civic Life. Additionally, I am part of the UMBC Psi Chi Chapter for Psychology Honors. I am interested in pursuing a career in the legal profession with the help of Psychology and using my multilingual background to help people of various cultures and upbringings. Besides academics, I enjoy reading, painting, playing soccer, and watching shows and movies. My first two years with the Humanities Scholars Program, and with UMBC overall, have been fantastic! I was able to make some cherished memories and friendships, learn more about my field, receive additional mentorship, and network with professors and staff. I am excited about this upcoming year with the Humanities Scholars Program and studying abroad. Thank you!

Hello! My name is Austin Miller, and I am a History major. I used to hate social studies classes until I studied World History at the AP level which exposed me to content that wasn’t what I was used to. Learning about the world’s culture through a variety of different lenses opened my eyes, and I found a passion for history, so much so that once I graduate, I plan to teach it. In high school, I was an avid musician, and still am to this day. I played violin in orchestra all four years and took a course on music theory, and now I produce music all by myself under the name Beyond Basement. I’m also a creative author, focusing on fiction and poetry, and I’ve come to love the editing process. Reworking a piece from scratch motivates me and reminds me to never give up. So far, UMBC has treated me well. I’ve made a lot of friends, built strong relationships with my professors, and learned a lot along the way. I look forward to the years to come, go Retrievers!

Hi! My name is Joan Steinly-Marks and I’m a Junior majoring in history and minoring in public history and Asian history! One of my favorite things about being a history major is the flexibility in the program requirements which allow each person to focus on subjects they are most interested in. I love learning about new cultures and places, and I plan to get my Master’s degree in Library Sciences after graduation. I’m incredibly excited to get involved with research projects at UMBC, as I plan on becoming a research librarian or archivist. While at UMBC I have been working at Special Collections in the A.O.K. Library, which has been a ton of fun. In the past couple of years, I’ve also restarted piano and ice skating lessons, and have begun learning to play hockey. My room has been taken over by immense quantities of succulents, books, and cat fur. I like playing D&D, organizing, and doing random art projects.

Hey, I’m Aziza Mattaka from Baltimore, Maryland! I am a Global Studies major. I chose Global Studies because I know that the diverse subjects within the program will allow me to fully explore and understand the issues facing societies around the world. I enjoy Anthropology, Psychology, and World History. I have always had very diverse friend groups throughout my life and really value celebrating and learning about different cultures.I’m excited to finally explore my interests in the humanities, meet new people and connect to a new community through the Humanities Scholars Program. Thank you!

Hi! My name is Emma Oakes, and I am currently a Biology and Gender and Women’s Studies double major, but am currently looking in to switching out the bio for psych! Although Biology has been a struggle for me, I am hoping that psychology will give me another opportunity to pursue the career of my dreams! I am excited for my junior year at UMBC, and spending more time with my roommates and friends I’ve made here, as well as friends from high school. When I’m not working on school work, I’m crocheting, building Lego’s, watching TV, or napping. I’m hoping to be able to study abroad in either the Summer or Winter, possibly in Canada, Italy, or Ireland, though the location isn’t determined yet!

Hello, I’m Chase Matthews, embarking on my sophomore journey at the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC). It feels like just yesterday I stepped onto this vibrant campus, eager to dive into the world of Cultural Anthropology. My academic adventure here has been exciting, so much so that with the help of advisors, professors, and other students, I am now a Cultural Anthropology and Political Science double major. During Summer 2023I was an Orientation Peer Ambassador (affectionately known as an OPA, pronounced “oh-puh”). It was a WONDERFUL experience that shaped my personal and professional growth. I witnessed and led the transformative power of the shift to college. Being part of this process reinforced my passion for fostering a sense of belonging and community. The Humanities Scholars Program and the Honors College have provided me with an intellectual home, nurturing my curiosity and drive for learning. I am drawn more profoundly into the realm of understanding people and their diverse cultures. This path aligns perfectly with my goal of becoming a Biomedical Anthropologist, utilizing research to bridge global cultures and enrich lives. I’m looking forward to eventually studying abroad, hopefully landing in Athens, Kenya, or Sydney. Immersing myself in new landscapes, languages, and traditions promises to be an invaluable extension of my education. Outside my studies, I am a Student Disability Peer Mentor, a member of the UMBC Anthropology Club, and a Welcome Week Leader. When time allows, you can find me in the gym, playing Club Frisbee or in the intramural basketball league. Some of my other favorite pastimes are reading world history and mythology, as well as exploring photography. I’m excited to embrace the challenges and triumphs that lie ahead. Go Retrievers!

Hello! My name is Andrew Coulbourne, and I’m from Chiba, Japan! I am a junior Humanities Scholar at UMBC, and am majoring in English: Communications & Technology. This last summer break, I spent some time catching up with my parents who live and work overseas, I volunteered as a youth leader at a conference in Bali, Indonesia, and I hung out with my siblings and a few friends from classes! Looking toward the coming school year, I am excited and terrified to be spending the Fall semester studying abroad at the University of Galway in Ireland but will be returning to UMBC in the Spring. I’ve worked in the past as a translator in Japan, a banquet server at a casino up in New York, and most recently as an editor for the UMBC Review and Bartleby, UMBC’s undergraduate research journal and creative arts journal respectively. I will be rising as junior managing editor for Bartleby this year and would like to encourage any and everyone to consider submitting their work to be featured in our upcoming volume. I look forward to seeing you in classes or around campus! Go dogs!!

Hey, Retrievers! My name is Ethan Broadbent. I’m from Silver Spring, Maryland. I’m still deciding what I’d like to major in, but I’m leaning strongly towards majoring in English. I’m still looking into the possibility of another major (or double major). However, I’m strongly considering becoming an English major as I’ve always been keen on expressing myself through writing and interpreting the writing of others. There is a certain freedom in mastering the art of self-expression, which is a goal of mine. My high school career consisted of AP English courses that made me want to hate writing guts with its overly structured work and dry subjects. However, I still enjoy being able to take what’s in my mind and articulate it to my desire on a piece of paper, so I think expressing myself through writing is something that is going to be sticking with me for the long run. My hobbies during high school consisted of running for my track & cross country team, playing club basketball & soccer, and being the writing editor of my high school’s literary magazine. Recently you can catch me lifting weights, wrestling, listening to music, and becoming the best version of myself. I am beyond excited about my future at UMBC. I’m looking forward to being a part of the wrestling club and the Honors College, meeting people I connect with (and that challenge me), and being a part of the Humanities Scholars Program! I chose to be a part of the program because it will challenge my perspective and beliefs and be an opportunity to grow.